Thursday, September 18, 2014

Swim for life

Last week room 13 went to Water World. The purpose of the trip was to teach children how to swim and use different swimming techniques. On the first day I was feeling super excited because I couldn't wait to hop in the pool. What I felt challenging was going on the diving boards because they were a little high for me but I still went on them. For next time when I go to Water World I will try and go on the Second diving board.

Cross Country

On the 29th of August the senior team went to Minogue Park for cross country.                                   When we were warming up with Miss Workman I was feeling very nervous I had butterflies in my stomach. What I felt challenging was running up the hill because it made me very tired. For next time when I go to cross country I will try to finish the finishing line. I felt proud of myself at the end because I ran a whole lap.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

My goals

Goals I want to achieve by the end of the year are to learn my 6 , 7 , 8 ,9  times tables of by heart and to get a placing in cross country.

Sunday, June 29, 2014


On Wednesday the 18th of June the senior syndicate went to the Hamilton Observatory. It is located by the Hamilton Zoo and Something that I learnt at the Observatory was that when the sun gets older it expands. Another thing that I learnt was time moves slower in space than it does here on earth.                                                                                                                                                                                                       However I still wonder about who made or invented the space suit that you wear in out of space.                                            

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Poem : I Wish

I wish I could travel the world when I'm older so I can taste different food from other countries.

I wish that I lived on a farm so I can see what it is like taking care of animals.

I wish I had a pet that doesn't bite, scratch or make a mess so I don't have to clean the mess and get scratched or bitten.

I wish that when I'm older I can be a photographer so I can take good pictures.

I wish I can make an invention so people might be able to use it.

I wish that when I clap my hands and say what place I want to go I will magically appear there.

I wish I will get a good job when I'm older so my family and friends would be proud of me.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

ANZAC army corps

ANZAC people are Australian and New Zealand army corps.

ANZAC men and women wear dull green long sleeve jackets. Some jackets have pockets and buttons. They also wear a army hat to protect themselves from the bullets.

The place that the ANZAC men and women fought was Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey. The ANZACs stayed in trenches and fought for nine months.

The ANZACs did lots of thing like fighting with the Turkish army , taking over beaches and most importantly they fought so that we can live freely.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

This is how I  drew my myself. First I did a draft copy in my art book. Then I got to go onto my good copy my focus was to put my eyes, nose and eyebrows in the right place. To help me Miss Woolf drew guide lines. Guidelines are lines that are on your face that help you to know where to put your eyes evenly.
I  had to focus on my hair because lots of girls have different hair. My hair is straight and my hair is parted so I had to make my hair like that. I also had to put freckles or marks or moles to make me unique. It was really fun to draw myself .